
我們稱這個版面為 解密。 他們包含了"SparkNotes"風格的文章摘要,並對劇情元素或符號的象徵意義進行解析。我們從故事、知識、與基金會的世界觀的聯繫,與我們自己的推斷,將其組成一份專業、有趣且詳盡、引人入勝的解密。
我們的子板塊是一個歌頌並分析這些年發表在SCP基金會網站上且具有宏偉故事深度的內容中心。我們會展開定期的向作者提問Ask An Author 功能,這給予SCP作者一個平台,能夠讓評論者詢問他們想要知道的進度問題、作品的解釋問題或是他們對基金會帶來的貢獻問題。同時SCP解密中心頁的知識大全Lore Overviews是有用於幫助深度的討論文章,他們探討了SCP宇宙的一隅,不管是76年班、欲肉教的歷史、相嘯魔,還是SCP基金會的近代介紹。
The implications are terrifying, no?
And finally, a subtle hint that the current terrors that our world face could be averted, if only a woman would burn her child alive.
But if you hide the rocks throughout the worlds, break the array, He cannot move from this world. And while He will be eternal here, he is locked in a perpetual prison.
SCP-093 - Red Sea Object (video)
From the ashes, a fire shall be woken,
A light from the shadows shall spring;
SCP-173 - The Sculpture - The Original
It was written to convey a setting, a world in which the abnormal is not only reality, but commonplace. The actual object was just a narrative vehicle for that.
The Administrator then asks the question again. What is the best way to hide SCP-001, the maker of the universe?
Make it SCP-184.
SCP-256 - Trapped in the Typewriter
Four civilians are allowed access to 256, and they are recorded as being romantically involved with or related to SCP-256. What? It's a typewriter!
SCP-343 - "God" (video)
SCP-1168 - A Highly Immature and Completely Unofficial Parody
Why sex offender, all of the sudden? Does this have a hidden meaning? (Of course it does, that's why I mentioned it.)
SCP-1173 - The Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace
The other side claims that the memetic agent removes the memory that this country exists, that it is an actual place, and that the people from this country are experiencing severe persecution, bordering on genocide, due to the memetic agent preventing the world from acknowledging that they exist.
And we have no way of knowing which is true.
SCP-1272 - Slow Motion Catastrophe
Mr. Blue Man is moving at over 400 million kilometers per hour. This is why they've been sending teams in to stop the first group. If the first teams move the statues and stop the anomaly, Mr. Blue Man will still be moving that fast when he leaves.
SCP-1342 - To the Makers of Music
We went to commit genocide against the beings most like us in the Universe, and that's also human nature.
Finally, note that the angel died of malnutrition. This little detail will (say it with me now) come up later.
SCP-1383 – Partially-Functioning Pataphorical Torment Chamber
The ideas are leaking.
SCP-1427 - Extinguishing Stele
And in order to keep a constant supply of oppressed people, the Foundation engages in propping up the government of North Korea in order to keep the regime running.
SCP-1539 - Semantic Dissociator
Obviously, this is a washer/dryer set. We even know its model number. Yes, it moved around, spoke, and had the physical attributes of a man (and now it has the attributes of a dead and decaying man.) How does that change that it's a washer/dryer set?
Here, the author is saying "God, I wish there were some magical device that could block these telepathic signals! Too bad that doesn't exist".
SCP-1718 - Experimental Containment Unit
Roses are red, Violets are blue, People don't think the containment chamber be like it is, but it do.
SCP-1730 - What Happened to Site-13? Part I
The basic setup that you should be aware of: a Site from another universe kicked into our reality, from a parallel Foundation that is less ethical than ours. This idea is explored in great detail.
SCP-1730 - What Happened to Site-13? Part II
If there's something strange in your neighborhood,
Who you gonna call? Samsara!
If there's something weird and it don't look good,
Who you gonna call? Samsara!
This guy many be an indestructible anomaly, but he's still running a business, and if you break his ships, he's not refunding your money.
SCP-1762 - Where the Dragons Went
Here our story ends, but the wonder lives on.
"What Price Is Virtue"? 20 US Dollars, apparently.
SCP-1893 - The Minotaur's Tale
Iteration F is gay furry porn.
SCP-2004 - Personal Data Assistant of the Gods
Oh No.
SCP-2111 - If You Can Read This…
They also have their own undercover janitors scouring the Foundation's halls for invisible graffiti (I wonder if there even are any Foundation janitors that are just janitors).
Now imagine an army of soldiers with advanced weaponry, all enhanced by SCP-2122-2. That is the Foundation's goal here.
SCP-2123 - I Accidentally The Whole Universe
There are a lot of eithers here in this article. Here, either this collider collides particles currently unknown to mankind, or knowing which particles are collided is somehow dangerous information.
That's where the Ethics Committee steps in. Messing with people's personal history isn't a moral thing to do.
SCP-2180 - The Living Cave Painting
Stroke of midnight. 1st January. The new year. This is what the number is on the wall.
On another note, why the hell would a toymaker create this damn thing?
SCP-2317 - A Door To Another World
The real twist is that SCP-2317 isn't the door, but the entity contained within: "The ████, Devourer of Worlds". We also learn that Calabasas is - get this - useless. It doesn't do anything.
SCP-2317 is uncontainable.
SCP-2338 - Unorthodox Adoption
Yes, this weird large jellyfish thing somehow has a connection to two grown men breaking into a maximum security vault and killing 22 children. Yes. Welcome to the Foundation, reader.
SCP-2343 - How I Got To Memphis (video)
Ultimately, this is a character piece. Dr. Graff was irresponsible and put a lot of people in danger with her actions. She is clearly very intelligent, but is petulant and petty, and when she was insulted, she struck back with overwhelming force.
SCP-2400 - Temporal Dilation Facility
Of course, 2400 would be consumed, and everyone inside would die, but at least everyone outside would be fine. Probably.
Next, the D-bois bring up a common question with dangerous Keters: Why not neutralize it?
SCP-2456 - Dreams of a Broken World
While active, there were random eclipses, zombies, and red poison in the sea. It also killed 53 million people.
SCP-2470 - The Void Singularity
Since this object is comparatively easy to contain, it makes little sense to try and destroy it and allow another ZK-class scenario to form. This thing is a goddamn insurance policy.
SCP-2480 - An Unfinished Ritual
"Presumed Neutralized"? Well, isn't that comforting. What that essentially means is:
Object Class: It's fine NO IT ISN'T It's gone missing.
SCP-2498 is an epic of impressive scale, a narrative about godhood, humanity, and the weight of the world and of the flow of time.
SCP-2510 - Our Broken Salvation (項目已刪除)
The Broken God given us hope. And all we have to do is accept Him as our God, fight back, rebel against the Flesh.
SCP 2510 - Got A Secret, Can You Keep It?
People in life, in all circumstances, more often than not like to ignore problems they don't want to address, and that almost never ends well.
The Foundation sends its favorite badass lawyer, Sheldon Katz, to talk to it.
SCP-2557 - A Holding of Envelope Logistics
They are literally making money off of people suffering.
SCP-2589 - Don’t Leave Me This Way
Well that was an early “OH SHIT” moment. Don’t worry, there’s plenty more to come.
Hell hath no fury like hormonal teenagers ripped out of their physical bodies in order to be an incorporeal military supercomputer hive mind.
SCP-2614 - Sometimes I Go Out In Pity For Myself
And thus, both the end of the universe and the beginning of it are one and the same, this endless bright corridor, the only thing we know is real.
Worse, it seems that the core is containing Omega, and if that containment were ever to break, the reversed entropy would spread across the entire universe, reversing time back to the Big Bang. It's set to do just that, breaking its own containment in 2234.
And what the everloving FUCK is "DAMMERUNG"?
Someone tries to make intestinal distress Inside Dr. Bright, but for some reason it doesn't work. The pointer tries to access the location in memory of Intestinal Distress; it's Outside, and no longer under the pointer's influence. Whatever the case, Dr. Bright assigns the pointer to Intestinal Distress, puts the doctor Inside it.
This SCP can't really be understood in-universe, and that's kind of the point. That nightmare most of us have had: running from something, some unknowable fear, the one Olivia references? This is that bundled with family tragedy and domestic violence.
Hell, by studying the anafabula so heavily, the Foundation has accelerated its own destruction by giving it so many opportunities to enter their universe, and by creating one in the layer just beneath them.
SCP-2764 - The Eldritch Antarctic
He’s being followed by an eldritch horror and mentally tormented by it at the same time, but he pitches a fucking tent and reads a book.
Remember that big dumb button that we kept pushing?
The next one is attempting to destroy SCP-001. First, it's approved, only to be rejected due to being "Impossible." This is where we get the sense that this is a big issue.
SCP-2905 - A Web Wrapped With Roses and Poisons
And sadly, the plan of keeping her safe by building her a human body is completely ruined by the Foundation’s existence. The moment the body is finished and she’s able to move with it, the Foundation will either destroy her or lock her up in a dark cell for all time.
SCP-2922 - Notes From the Under
In conclusion this skip isn’t just about a shitty little brain implant, it’s about love, betrayal, and doing everything in your power to pursue what you think is right.
It's a cave - a Keter cave. The most dangerous and hard-to-contain, unpredictable cave ever, apparently.
SCP-2943 - In Case Of Emergency, Break Glass
SCP-2943 is like the time version of SCP-2000. It's a way to save and load; a real-life quicksave. It's the best power, the one thing that was beyond the Foundation, delivered perfectly into their hands.
She thought she was a spirit of hatred and revenge, but it turns out that she was the one being haunted the entire time.
SCP-2998 - Anomalous Transmission, 2485 Hz
The Foundation is used as religious propaganda.
I don't have much to add here. We're witnessing a man's slow collapse into oblivion. This is what happens when someone is left alone, truly, completely alone.
SCP-3007 - World Of Two Artists
Infohazard. Bam. Right there. That painting? That's the infohazard.
SCP-3008 - A Perfectly Normal, Regular Old IKEA (video)
So the idea that this is interdimensional doesn't really pop up anywhere too explicit.
SCP-3009 - Hi, I'm Your Snappelganger!
No one at the Foundation really knows the real Stacey Lee.
And that brings us to the end of SCP-3021, an article detailing what happens when the Foundation creates something, and is then split on what to use it for.
SCP-3031 - Beginning of Wisdom
And with that we reach the end of the description, and get a pretty decent idea of what 3031 is: a custom built cell, keeping us both alive and scared by messing with our brain chemistry.
SCP-3043 - Murphy Law in... Type 3043 - FOR MURDER! (video)
All I can say is, sequel, perhaps? Six seasons and a movie? Time can only tell.
SCP-3084 - Seven Strangers at a Feast
The Foundation’s been duped. By trying to dig into the deeper into what it could be (quite literally for Dr. Dumont), they had also accidentally unleashed its content into their own world - whoopsie.
The only information left will be 3125. That will be all that remains.
The file for SCP-3133 actually has two parts: Version A and Version B. A notice at the top of each version explains that any individual may only have 3133/A clearance or 3133/B clearance, punishable by immediate death.
This ONE SIMPLE TRICK can get YOU rich, fast! Foundation mathematicians HATE him!
We've seen narrativic SCPs before, but the way 3145 is used is entirely novel, and it puts an emotional twist on the concept.
OH GOD. Okay.
SCP-3154 - Terminal State Inducer
The most efficient way to induce a Sigma State is to cut open large blood vessels, as the central cause is exsanguination, or severe loss of blood.
SCP-3176 - Estimated Time of Arrival
The Foundation dug themselves into a hole, then dug themselves out of the hole, and then the MTF prevented the creation of the shovel. Whew!
SCP-3201 - well, it was low-entropy while it lasted.
And that's how we'll die.
It wants you to come up with something to fill in the blank. Because 3265 is ultimately just a blank that wants so badly to be filled ifyouknowwhatImean
Clearly, though, this is just the antimemetic anomaly telling us its not there- in reality, we know exactly what's lying inside that chamber. We simply can't remember.
It wants you to come up with something to fill in the blank. Because 3265 is ultimately just a blank that wants so badly to be filled ifyouknowwhatImean
Remember earlier when I said they drank from a mop-sink? Yeah, that was a bad idea.
There is a childhood fear which consists of the idea that if you perform a specific set of actions, or vocalize a set of sounds in just the right way, you might accidentally cause something terrible to occur.
SCP-3294 - A Severe Case of Soulnesia
And just to be clear, TYRFING is not bees. Probably. We don't actually know the contents of information containing TYRFING.
Surely, there's nothing much mysterious about this, but there are still many more things unsolved on its creator — "olliefox", what is exactly the motivations of this anomalous furry? What caused the fox to get here? By the analysis of the skip, we can find answers way more in-depth than "MONEY WINS".
Everything from the very beginning was designed to draw in just the kind of people they needed, people who would take the bait and keep pushing and pushing to find the something that just had to be at the top.
Despite knowing its father can't read the document, and despite knowing the document will likely be deleted by the first affected staff member that comes across it, the object is still going to continue posting and reposting the document until it dies or ceases being anomalous. That's determination right there.
It's like A = B, B = C, therefore A = C. But since A cannot directly equal C (by nature of the anomaly), we need to go the long way round.
SCP-3500 - Instructions Unclear, Got Dick Stuck In Roget
SCP-3500 is by far the most meta SCP on the entire goddamn site. It's So Meta, Even This Acronym isn't meta enough to describe how meta this SCP is. It's so meta it's pata. There are so many meta skips included in this meta skip that he's some suggested reading of meta skips before you even enter this meta skip.
SCP-3553 - They All Go Into The Dark
Now, we come to the hero victim protagonist main character of our story: Jacob Montauk. (No relation!).
SCP-3545 - The Places You'll Never Go
There will be no way to escape, no way to prevent it, and nothing to do about it.
Well, that's unfortunate. At least we know exactly where the anomaly is now.
SCP-3626 - Do not stop reading this document
And we've reached the distortion point.
But it's negative space - it turns out, that the anomaly is what we consider "normal," and everything surrounding it is the real horror.
SCP-3739 - Mind Milk by Moosphere, Inc.
I wish the milk was green because it was rotten.
SCP-3791 - An Entirely Standard and Uneventful Anomaly
It doesn’t matter. The asker is gone and reduced to dust. The black moon is dust.
SCP-3799 - A Short History of Snowfall
It appeared here, an impregnable sphere that doesn’t fully exist, a reminder from the man and the Snow of what happened when the Foundation tried to save the world.
SCP-3838 - Nomads Of The Fourth-Dimensional Steppe
All Hail The King.
UNDEFINED - Containment Chamber #3942
Now we know why the Item Number and Object Class are UNDEFINED- The description is unfinished. If that's the case, why are we reading it?
The researcher does one more experiment: he uses a method to get a visual image of "what the protein sees." Surprise surprise! It's a spider!
SCP-3999 - I Am At The Center of Everything That Happens To Me
It appears to be nonsense, but don't be fooled; dream logic flows through this, both meta and in-universe, tying this whole thing together into an exposition both on identity and self, as well as a horrifying parable about one man and his crumbling reality.
SCP-4000 - Taboo (video)
They don't have an extreme iron deficiency. They're just fairies and iron is poison to them. It's not in their systems.
SCP-4002 - The Black Moon Howls From Beyond the Edge of Time
So, yes. The contract is SCP-4002.
Like how one’s existence as a pawn in a narrative seems bleak, the thought that the only thing keeping the Foundation’s whole operation together is a thin veil is, to the Foundation, equally bleak.
SCP-4031 - The Amnesiac Redemption
Have you ever heard somebody say that blood tastes metallic?
Hello, Blue Wraith!
SCP-4070 - Just Something He Thinks About
For those of you who think that sounds random, let me explain. In 1983, King published a horror novel titled Christine, in which a car is possessed and starts killing people.
Humanity has a thing for following orders, especially when said orders don't seem threatening.
長話短說,在確保不會對外界造成任何影響後,Site-94發布了「蘇礎磐師糙樸Socrates' Crass Purity」行動,這也是SCP-4098獲得異常特性的原因。
And what is this goddamned action?
嘿,Cam 5總算活了唉呦我的老天爺一大堆焚毀的焦屍!
Title drop.
SCP-4335 - A Welt In The Crucible
For those of you too lazy to click the link, that's a picture of an iron door in a mountain side… in Minecraft. Yes, you read that correctly. Minecraft. Told you it'd get pretty weird.
Only one side is going to walk out of Grantsfield.
SCP-4400 - This Is Not A Place Of Honor
God fucking damn it it's them again.
Didn't you ever go to Sunday school?
SCP 4500 - Socratic Containment Procedures
Once again it's phrased like a script, so we know that this document will probably be largely made up of this dialogue.
But that's not a reason to give up. There's still hope out there.
Man, the Foundation does not mess around at all.
SCP-4803 - The Man Documenting
I also allow me to write this declass, cause fuck me, that's why. How's that for a god damn loophole, mods? What're you gonna do, ban me?
SCP-4804 - The Pulp Is Fictional
So this means…I guess…oranges aren't real, then?
If their memory is deviated from what it was before, then it's a breach and they're transferred to Area-13, which at this point is looking like the Leper Colony for this anomaly.
Explicable, huh?
SCP-4839 - FAFNIR - or, "I Caress It, 'Cause I Possess It!"
Thank god we have the Three Moons Initiative to come bail us out innit?
&SCP-4853, An Extremely Expensive Declassification
If you want to find out, you'd better have deep pockets.
Right off the bat, the Foundation admits that they don’t know shit about SCP-4877.
SCP-4903 - Eternity, Served Cold
We have an incredible, perhaps perfect, containment chamber. Something designed not merely to imprison something, but to imprison an incredibly powerful entity beyond all hope of escape. Even death is denied to the prisoner.
The gravediggers are trying to bury their ancestors so they don’t have to dig at all.
Dr. Carè says that he needs to tell Lesteigh something "before it happens". That "Something will happen", but he doesn't know what.
SCP-5000 - Why? Part 2, why harder
Now we have enough symbolism to piece everything together, and any further supporting details are only further confirmation. The Entity has been identified with both a “breath of life” and an amoral, one-size-fits-all non-afterlife of endless, horrible subterranean desiccation.
Can I get a UH OH from the audience?
Moon. Dark. Howl.
Mother fuck.
Y'all ever heard of How It's Made?
SCP-5191 - A child for christmas
As the letters progress, the children (and the process of purchasing them) are progressively more dehumanised.
SCP-文件(SCP-整數解密 )
Their need for all that knowledge has caught up to them, and now the RED TEAM will suffer the consequences.
SCP-5466 - Death of the Creator
(I'd say my shitty sandbox probably contributed 90% of its power, sorry guys)
這些事件通常都以同一順序發生,但因時間線的特性而有差別(如果沒有自然衛星,就會在太空站裏發生;如果沒有人類(Homo Sapiens),主角就是另一個智慧種族等等)。
SCP-5500 - Death of the Authors
Finally these interpretations are my own, but are totally correct because I killed the author and as such the only correct interpretation is of the readers.
SCP-5666 - When A Mind Flies Into The Sun
When your mind flies into the sun, more often than not, you get burned.
SCP-5682 - A Brief Moment Of Revelation
After all, what are the first words out of the mouth of every Biblical angel's mouth?
Okay well this is just God's corpse I guess.
The reason he decided to do so is fundamentally rooted in ethics.
As cliche as it sounds, SCP-6060 is a story of finding one's own identity and coming to terms with it and accepting it, and not simply conforming to the standards set upon us by society, or in Suzie's case, by the Foundation.
Daeva does not deny that it had a rough point, but it has done so much good that to reduce it so one single point thousands of years ago is wildly dishonest.
SCP-6699 - The Rhizome of Our Minds
The Foundation's forcing their normality as though it is the only way to exist, and what's worse, Elmwoods sees it was her research that allowed them to do so.
SCP-6789 - Return. Return. Return.
Mother Nature’s heartbeat is heard, and now she can neutralize the poison known as humanity. She still has hope they can change, but humanity has given up, apparently.
Natural processes are simply making the situation worse for the Foundation.
Dr. Gears' Proposal - The Prototype
This suggests some kind of juvenility, as if whoever is writing this is some sort of ameteur, or perhaps they were rushing to get it done. As we’ll see later, both of these will be the case.
Dr. Mackenzie's Proposal - The Legacy
A few points to note here: why would this technology “hasten” the process? Why does he have to kill presumably the Foundation when they do this? How does he do it? Surely he can’t kill the entire Foundation by himself.
The anomaly is extremely plain of a surface level - a facility with Keters that contain each other - but on top of that is a rich mystery implying some very deep truths about the nature of the universe and the origin of the anomalous.
djkaktus's Proposal I - The Children
And thus ends this 001 proposal, which deals not truly with the Foundation's creation, but its ultimate philosophy and purpose, and as a haunting account of madness in its early days, and at its very heart.
TwistedGears-Kaktus Proposal - The Broken God
This next part begins with one hell of a picture.
Let that sink in. That’s 160 million square kilometers of land just gone. That’s roughly half of Germany, or the entire state of Florida, just straight up being removed.
What the fuck happened in Mexico?
Kalinin's Proposal - Past and Future
Have I mentioned we're absolutely fucked?
Wrong Proposal - The Consensus
The consensus has changed: the Fifth Occult War does not exist; it is no longer agreed as such. A revote has been put in place, and SCP-001 has changed, because the consensus said so. There was no CK-Class scenario, no anything. Just a lot of public opinion that it never existed.
Tufto's Proposal - The Scarlet King
The O5 council doesn’t understand the law of howling and thinks that changing the classification from Keter to Safe will do the job. But that won’t stop the Scarlet King from coming. Nothing will.
djkaktus's Proposal II - Atonement
From their perspective, they've just been duped into letting a malevolent entity destroy the multiverse, when in reality they are the ones responsible for the doom that will eventually befall them.
The Great Hippo 與 PeppersGhost 的提案 - 好孩子
Captain Kirby's Proposal - O5-13
If you're the only nonanomalous person on an anomalous council, who's really normal?
not_a_seagull's Proposal - The Sky Above The Port
Waking up is not something we can afford.
CODE NAME: ████ ███ - The Truth
The Administrator then asks the question again. What is the best way to hide SCP-001, the maker of the universe?
Make it SCP-184.
Why would the foundation name this alt universe after the castle that contains the Holy Grail?
This discussion is basically Chaotic Neutral vs. Lawful Good, in a sense.
There Is No Antimemetics Division
You’re not arachnophobic, are you?
After learning this, they proceeded to do the sensible thing and shout nonsense at the sky.
You know, I'm starting to get the feeling that whatever this text is, it doesn't like us very much.
The head was sliced clean off.
SCP-ES-002 - Acoustic Parasite
It gets bad. The vibrations change frequency and start to disrupt the body- initially only affecting hearing and balance, but quickly moving on to severe tissue damage. It has another effect, though, one that is even more concerning.
The Foundation's main strength is to create rules to maintain order. Even though the O5 are just ordinary people with ordinary lives and problems too.
There are several stories and theories regarding this building. UN is denying everything.
SCP-001-KO - The Defense Mechanism
And our poor listener is one of those identifiers that tells the Universe what to destroy.
And there we have it - our first foreign-language 001. It's big, it tells a story, and, unlike most SCP articles, it has a spark of hope at the end.
Well, I never liked doing exams in school, but guess we have no choice to understand this SCP. Wonder if anything happens if we exceed the time limit.
International Laconic: SCP-CN-147, SCP-1175-RU, SCP-PL-005, SCP-836-JP
The chocolate when a human is found, will coat the genitals.
SCP-920-EX - Evil Workgroup Printer
It’s bad enough that it killed people and destroyed an insurance company – can you imagine this code gaining control of Keter containment door controls, O5 commands, or nuclear warheads?
Good thing we don’t need to worry about any of that. After all, it’s been Explained.
Please note that this article is not satirical or sarcastic in any way, and we, as members of the SCPD moderation staff, will never let you guys down.
原來我們都是鄂蘭實體(笑)—by Nihilmace
注意,以上為附錄:ZH-176-4 > 《海鷗的大撤退》節錄內容
SPC (No, that's not a misspelling)
Shark Punching Center. Originated as a backronym to make fun of the frequent misspelling of SCP. Became its own quasi-canon/alternate universe, but is considerably more tongue-in-cheek than other canons.
Modern Introduction to the SCP Foundation
In 2007, a single creepypasta on a fast-moving 4chan board caught a few people's attention. Today, it's grown to become one of the most prominent and impactful science fiction franchises of the early 21st century. A universe awaits. Are you ready to begin?
The Foundation has matter and might,
The Foundation will fight the good fight.
Since we first lit the spark,
They would die in the dark,
So that mankind can live in the light.
Yaldabaoth represented aspects of chaos, flesh and beastiality, barely sentient and content to create and consume. Mekhane was of machines and metal, so Yaldabaoth was not really interested in it. Mekhane simply created the laws of the universe, quietly and progressively bringing order to the void.
They’re pretty controversial in the community, being loved for being immortal superhero dudes and hated for being immortal superhero dudes.
The Scarlet King (video)
The King gloried in violence and depravity, calling to it the psychopath and the deviant, who then attempted to summon it and bind it to the world, as the King could not make avatars of its own.
在大約 90 兆年前,我們的故事在多元宇宙 α 中和 SCP-2682 一同開始。
Dr. Wondertainment (video)
Dr. Wondertainment may be a company, it may be an individual, it may be an individual that runs a company. Most important, however, is that Dr. Wondertainment is magical, and they make toys.
The Class of '76 - specifically, the Remembrance series - deals with what happens to ordinary people who are plunged into a world beyond their understanding.
I promise I'm not on drugs.
SCP-2808, SCP-3063, SCP-1739, SCP-2246, SCP-3008
It's a strange, otherworldly hell, a plane that is naught but IKEA.
Kate McTiriss's Proposal, SCP-179, SCP-2799, SCP-1968, SCP-2217
Only the Sun is equal to her; she is the guardian of the galaxy (literally).
SCP-3060, SCP-231, SCP-2000, SCP-3000, SCP-2521
And we are the ones imagining what is behind those bars. We are the twisted ones.