發現: 2014/10/13
附錄 Kakti-3:收集的錄音檔案
為了對SCP-[數據刪除性感的]的神秘與美麗之處天殺的仙人掌,我甚至不能把電腦打開放著 有更進一步的理解,以下的錄音已經過收集與分類去你的仙人——
SCP-3393 - "For Your Eyes Only" - Captain Kirby
SCP-001 - "Dead Men" - Tanhony
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:07:51):
SCP-001 - "Normalcy" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3393 - "For Your Eyes Only" - Captain Kirby
SCP-001 - "Dead Men" - Tanhony
72 Hour Jam Contest
SCP Foundation March Madness Hub - djkaktus
誇張說書: (0:07:51 - 0:13:27)
SCP-001 (Unlocked) - WrongJohnSilver
訪問:WrongJohnSilver (0:13:27 - 1:08:08):
SCP-087 - 樓梯間 - Zaeyde
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-128 - "Kinetic Energy Entity" - HK-016 (Rewritten by WrongJohnSilver)
It's Just A Dream - WrongJohnSilver
Reimagining Contest
SCP-209 - "The Sadist's Tumbler" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by Mulciber)
黑白黑白黑白黑白黑白灰 - tunedtoadeadchannel
Mobile Task Force Contest!
SCP-3000 Contest
Short Works Contest
Groups of Interest Contest!
Great Hippo's Great Skippos - The Great Hippo
CapnThatguy's Personnel File - CapnThatguy
SCP-2315 - "Mother Always Knows" - WrongJohnSilver
Funerals Are Fun - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-2289 - "The Devils' Eyes" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-2460 - "Dark Satellite" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3966 - "Falling Out" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-001 - "When Day Breaks" - Shaggydredlocks
SCP-1875 - "Antique Chess Computer" - TheMadStork
SCP-3101 - "Contain Me Harder" - Cyantreuse
SCP-8900-EX - 藍天殞落 - tunedtoadeadchannel
SCP-847 - "The Mannequin" - Xian (Rewritten by WrongJohnSilver)
SCP-3008 - 一間毫無異狀的典型IKEA - Mortos
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
On Mount Golgotha - Hub
SCP-2203 - "Find the One for You!" - WrongJohnSilver
尾聲 (1:08:08 - 1:12:55)
本週的仙人掌精選: SCP-032 - 兄弟們的新娘 - Dmatix
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:00:50)
訪談:Djoric (0:00:50 - 0:49:14):
SCP-1867 - 一位紳士 - Djoric
Adventures in Capitalism Hub - Djoric
Dr. Wondertainment Hub
Cool之戰 - Randomini
Acquisitions - a Marshall, Carter & Dark Tale - SRegan
Anart Antics - TwistedGears
Learning The Alphabet Hub - TwistedGears
SCP-2782 - "The Flock" - Faminepulse
SCP-2598 - "Traveling Moth Salesman" - djkaktus
SCP-1782 - "Tabula Rasa" - Faminepulse
Groups of Interest Contest!
SCP-2845 - 鹿神 - Djoric
Lord Blackwood and the Land of the Unclean - Smapti
Lord Blackwood and the Great Tarasque Hunt of '83
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
Talks With the Family - Djoric
SCP-087 - 樓梯間 - Zaeyde
SCP-096 - 羞澀的人 - Dr Dan
SCP-073 - 「該隱」 - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-076 - 「亞伯」 - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-1981 - "Ronald Reagan Cut Up While Talking" - Digiwizzard
SCP-2166 - "The Reformation" - Djoric [article since deleted]
SCP-166 - 少女魅魔 - DrClef
SCP-455 - 貨船 - Dr Gears
SCP-445 - "Dr. Wondertainment's Super Paper" - CryogenChaos
SCP-256 - "Trapped in the Typewriter" - DrakeRunner
SCP-947 - "Their Own Fault" - djkaktus [article since deleted]
Marshall, Carter and Dark Hub
SCP-1483 - "The Third Antarctic Empire" - Djoric
尾聲 (0:49:14 - 0:50:39)
djkaktus與合著夥伴兼生活伴侶Kate McTiriss,一同從Dixieland Nightmare Magic4、001提案聊到打砲。
本週的仙人掌精選: SCP-001 - "A Record" - Kate McTiriss
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:00:23)
訪談:Kate McTirris (0:00:23 - 0:55:45):
SCP-2830 - ""the Knowledge"" - Kate McTiriss
SCP-2445 - "Wondertainment Logistics" - djkaktus
Dr. Wondertainment Hub
Marshall, Carter and Dark Hub
SCP-072 - 床腳 - Kate McTiriss
SCP-1558 - "Snuff Tower" - Kate McTiriss
Dixieland Nightmare Magic Hub - Kate McTiriss
SCP-2072 - "Prime Ministerial Pet Cemetery" - Kate McTiriss
Kate McTiriss's Personnel File - Kate McTirris
SCP-2558 - "Horseshoe Beach First Baptist Church (Relocated)" - Kate McTiriss
The One Thousand Deaths of Pastor Lewis Robinson: The Ethics of Repeatedly Drowning Baptists - Doctor Cimmerian
Essays On Style
SCP-682 - 不滅孽蜥 - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-2172 - 永遠的紅燈 - Kate McTirris
Fault Lines - Kate McTirris
SCCP-2930 - "Cross City City City City Hall" - Kate McTiriss
SCP-2272 - "Ellis Canastota, P, Pensacola Blue Wahoos" - Kate McTirris
SCP-1057 - 空虛的鯊意 - Voct
SCP-1291 - "Football Gods" - Anaxagoras
Gloriana Alexylva Hub - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "A Record" - Kate McTiriss
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "Thirty-Six" - Djoric/Dmatix
SCP-001 - "Sheaf of Papers" - Jonathan Ball
SCP-001 - "The Prototype" - Dr Gears
SCP-001 - 神國的守門者 - DrClef
qntm's author page - qntm
SCP-001:O5 - DrBright (Now AdminBright)
SCP-001 - "The Spiral Path" - DrEverettMann
SCP-001 - "The Legacy" - Aelanna
SCP-001 - "The Foundation" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
尾聲 (0:55:45 - 0:57:23)
本週的仙人掌精選: How To Debate An Armchair - InsipidParoxysm
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:01:37)
訪談:Eskobar (0:01:37 - 1:08:38):
SCP-2812 - "Echoes of Yesterday" - djkaktus
SCP-1893 - "Minotaur's Tale" - Eskobar
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
SCP-2998 - 異常傳播訊號,2485MHz - Eskobar
SCP-2000 - 機械降神 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-2600 - "The Empty Box" - Roget
SCP-2682 - "The Blind Idiot" - Faminepulse
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
Alexylva University Hub
SCP-1173 - "Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace" - Eskobar
SCP-002-J - "Amnesiac Treatment" - AndarielHalo
SCP-055 - [未知] - qntm
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-1546 - "University Ballcap" - Eskobar
SCP-2845 - 鹿神 - Djoric
Cool之戰 - Randomini
Are We Cool Yet?中心頁
尾聲 (1:08:38 - 1:11:53)
THE ZYNTERVIEW,djkaktus與SCP基金會維基網頁的管理者Zyn搭上了聯繫!兩人討論論壇的內容與寫作,以及蝴蝶、快樂、與歌唱。djkaktus的冷血心在這天長成三倍大。
仙人掌的本週精選 Facetious Fanatics - TwistedGears
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:02:37):
SCP-087 - 樓梯間 - Zaeyde
訪談:Zyn (0:02:37 - 0:51:14):
Dixieland Nightmare Magic Hub - Kate McTiriss
SCP-1045 - 生命蠟燭 - Drewbear
SCP-1000 - 大腳怪 - thedeadlymoose
SCP-2000 - 機械降神 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-1981 - "Ronald Reagan Cut Up While Talking" - Digiwizzard
SCP-348 - "A Gift From Dad" - Zyn
SCP-2332 - "Thought Messenger" - Zyn
桐生實驗室中心頁 - Zyn
Waking - Zyn
SCP-1355 - "House of Harmonious Boxes" - Zyn
SCP-1457 - "Mourning Cloak" - Zyn
Researcher Zyn's Personnel File - Zyn
Site News Hub
尾聲 (0:51:14 - 0:53:50)
仙人掌的本週精選: Israfil - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:00:59)
訪談:Faminepulse (0:00:59 - 1:00:31):
SCP-082 - ""Fernand" the Cannibal" - FritzWillie
SCP-2682 - "The Blind Idiot" - Faminepulse
SCP-2782 - "The Flock" - Faminepulse
SCP-1782 - "Tabula Rasa" - Faminepulse
SCP-893 - "Asexual" - Faminepulse
SCP-2845 - "鹿神 - Djoric
SCP-1124 - "Xenoplague" - Faminepulse
SCP-1200 - "The Means to Delay" - Faminepulse [article since deleted]
SCP-2558 - "Horseshoe Beach First Baptist Church (Relocated)" - Kate McTirris
SCP-682-J - "SUPER BESTEST LIZERD EVER" - Faminepulse/Salman Corbette
SCP-682 - 不滅孽蜥 - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-2782 - "The Flock" - Faminepulse
13. Mr. Purple - Faminepulse
SCP-1782 - "Tabula Rasa" - Faminepulse
SCP-1562 - "Tunnel Slide" - trennerdios
SCP-726 - "Reconstructive Maggots" - bogleech
SCP-239 - 巫術女孩 - Danteson
SCP-2890 - "World Group Auction House" - djkaktus [article since deleted]
Alexylva University Hub
SCP-1173 - "Islamic Republic of Eastern Samothrace" - Eskobar
Rat's Nest Canon
Dixieland Nightmare Magic Hub - Kate McTiriss
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-610 - 憎恨之血肉 - NekoChris
SCP-455 - 貨船 - Dr Gears
Groups of Interest Contest!
Dr. Wondertainment Hub
SCP-543 - "Noise" - Clipperton
尾聲 (1:00:31 - 1:02:34)
本週的仙人掌精選: SCP-649-2568-J - "Technicolor Geography" - Doctor Cimmerian
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:03:43)
訪談:TwistedGears (0:03:43 - 1:05:12):
A Fancy Dinosaur - TwistedGears
Learning The Alphabet Hub - TwistedGears
[[Boron Blisters]]] - TwistedGears
Anart Antics - TwistedGears
The Under-Appreciated SCPs Contest
Exploded Diagram of a Young Woman - Chubert
Exit History - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Are We Cool Yet?中心頁
Cool之戰 - Randomini
Mr. Redd Audio Adaption - Randomini
Hugo Hijinks - djkaktus
Nazi Nonsense - Kalinin
Nondescript Nose - Kalinin
Rammer Jammer Yellow Hammer Hub - Doctor Cimmerian
Acidverse - Randomini
Broken Light Hub - trennerdios
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
wowwee go kill ursefl - Randomini
Groups of Interest Contest!
Cactus Insurgent - TwistedGears
Miss Heir - TwistedGears
Sisters - thedeadlymoose
Track 3: Uh... - Faminepulse
Serpent's Hand Hub
Church of the Broken God Hub
SCP-2217 - "Hammer and Anvil" - Ihp
SCP-2598 - "Traveling Moth Salesman" - djkaktus
SCP-1160 - "Effective Containment" - djkaktus
SCP-2980 - "Devil's Nightlight" - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
SCP-1782 - "Tabula Rasa" - Faminepulse
SCP-2782 - "The Flock" - Faminepulse
SCP-2300 - 週期表戈侖 - TwistedGears
SCP-____-J - 拖延症 - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-1672 - "Thinking Inside the Box" - TwistedGears
TV Tropes' SCP Foundation Page
Game Day
Game Day Part 3: Synchronous - Roget
New Years Contest!
Competitive Eschatology Hub
SCP-696 - "Abyssal Typewriter" - TwistedGears
尾聲 (1:05:12 - 1:08:50)
本週的仙人掌精選: Sic Transit Gloria Mundi - spikebrennan
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:02:13):
Learning The Alphabet Hub - TwistedGears
Gray God - TwistedGears
Dystopia Contest
訪談:Roget (0:02:13 - 1:11:29):
SCP-1507 - 粉紅火烈鳥 - Roget
SCP-744 - "Assembly Required" - Roget
SCP-1725 - "Servant Enhancements" - Roget
Activity Documentation File 11-A - Roget
SCP-2969 - "In Your Own Words" - Roget
SCP-1178 - "Floating ICBM" - Roget
SCP-1984 - "Dead Hand" - Kalinin
SCP-001 - Keter任務 - Roget
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
SCP-2600 - "The Empty Box" - Roget
SCP-2600-EX - "Furred Trout" - Roget
SCP-2600-J - "Bicycle Mafia" - Roget
SCP-2600-CU - "The Cutest Little Thing" - Roget
Dixieland Nightmare Magic Hub - Kate McTiriss
SCP-2845 - 鹿神 - Djoric
SCP-1833 - 班級76 - Roget
追思 - Roget
序曲:預備鈴 - Roget
SCP-332 - 1976年Longwood教會高中樂隊 - Roget
SCP-814 - 純音 - kabu (Rewritten by Roget/Mr Carbon)
SCP-1423 - 76年之夏 - Roget
Alexylva University Hub
Are We Cool Yet?中心頁
End Of Olympians Hub - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
Acidverse - Randomini
Secure Facility Dossier: Site-77 - Roget
SCP-2682 - **"The Blind Idiot" - Faminepulse
SCP-2000 - "機械降神 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
New Years Contest!
Old Man In The Sea Canon
lolFoundation Canon
吾王萬歲 - Roget
My Brother The Ape - Roget
No One Else Will Protect Us - Roget
Overview of MTF Psi-7 "Home Improvement" - Roget
History of the Universe Essays - Roget
Eberstrom's Proposal-ARC - Eberstrom
Scantron's Art Blog!
尾聲 (1:11:29 - 1:16:38)
djkaktus與如此酷的FortuneFavorsBold一同閒聊,談論科幻、時間旅行、SCP-2000以及Dr. Thaddeus Xyank。酷人談論酷東西,這能有多酷?
本週的仙人掌精選: SCP-2731 - "When Hell Freezes Over" - Silberescher
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:06:36):
Dystopia Contest
Starch and Cream - djkaktus
訪談:FortuneFavorsBold (0:06:36 - 0:58:09):
SCP-400 - "Beautiful Babies" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SoullessSingularity's Challenges Thread
SCP-1297 - "A Jar of Toenails" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-001 - "The Spiral Path" - DrEverettMann
Five Questions
SCP-947 - "Their Own Fault" djkaktus [article since deleted]
SCP-1780 - "The Temporal Anomalies Department" - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Iteration 0 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
The Deep End - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Erstwhile and Again - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Exit History - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Document 1780-WL - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
20 GOTO 10 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-176 - "Observable Time Loop" - Aelanna
SCP-084 - "Static Tower" - Dr Gears
SCP-281 - "The Snooze Alarm" - Crayne
SCP-2400 - "Temporal Dilation Facility" - Anborough
Church of the Broken God Hub
SCP-2000 - 機械降神 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
SCP-2998 - 異常傳播訊號,2485MHz - Eskobar
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
尾聲 (0:58:09 - 1:00:56)
本週的仙人掌精選: SCP-2062 - "Kronecker" by InsipidParoxysm
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:03:47):
Dystopia Contest
訪談:SunnyClockwork (0:03:47 - 0:52:30):
SCP-666-J - Gerald博士的駕駛技術 - FPST
SCP-4357-J - "Cooperative Demon" - Drewbear
I Wrote a Tale - SunnyClockwork
SCP-603 - "Self-Replicating Computer Program" - psh
SCP-882 - 一台機器 - Dr Gears
Church of the Broken God Hub
SunnyClockwork's Artwork Hub
SCP-231 - "Special Personnel Requirements" - DrClef
SCP-2598 - "Traveling Moth Salesman" - djkaktus
"Nobody" HUB
ㄗitch 卄aven
SCP-2999 - "The Black Cat and the White Rabbit" - Fantem
SunnyClockwork's Tumblr
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
SCP-001 - Keter任務 - Roget
SCP-1295 - "Meg's Diner" - Dmatix
SCP-871 - "Self-Replicating Cakes" - Seibai
SCP-001 - "Thirty-Six" - Djoric/Dmatix
SCP-003 - 生物母版 - thedeadlymoose
SCP-073 - 「該隱」 - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-085 - 手繪的「Cassy」 - FritzWillie
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-217 - "The Clockwork Virus" - Dr Gears
Visual Records Wiki
SCP-1915 - "Status Quo" - Dmatix
尾聲 (0:52:30 - 0:55:16)
仙人掌仙人掌廣播!Dr. Cimmerian與djkaktus坐下來聊聊廣播、故事以及其他愚蠢的廢話。
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:01:42)
訪談:djkaktus (0:01:42 - 0:57:38):
Dystopia Contest
SunnyClockwork's Artwork Hub
SCP-2000 - 機械降神 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
Mission Statement - Dr Reach
I, Autarch - Kalinin
Starch and Cream - djkaktus
SCP-455 - 貨船 - Dr Gears
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-184 - "The Architect" - Dr Gears
Experiment Log 455 - NekoChris
Exploration Log Record 455 3 - Dr Gears
SCP-076 - 「亞伯」 - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-073 - 「該隱」 - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-096 - 羞澀的人 - Dr Dan
The Stars Do Not Wait For You - Dmatix
SCP-1915 - "Status Quo" - Dmatix
SCP-1440 - "The Old Man From Nowhere" - Dmatix
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
Document 001:O5 - DrEverettMann
SCP-001 - "The Spiral Path" - DrEverettMann
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
Unfinished Business - TroyL
Unfinished Business: Part II - TroyL
尾聲 (0:57:38 - 0:58:25)
本週的仙人掌精選: SCP-2722 - "SCPS Solidarity" - Von Pincier [article since deleted]
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:01:45):
Dystopia Contest
訪談:Pixeltasim (0:01:45 - 0:56:55):
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-2601 - "The Death of Insaera" - Von Pincier [article since deleted]
SCP-2900 - "Nobody gets left behind" - Pixeltasim
SCP-348 - "A Gift From Dad" - Zyn
A Child to Teach - Pixeltasim
New Years Contest!
Only Game In Town Hub
Interlude - The Faraday Girls - Rumetzen
Acquisitions - a Marshall, Carter & Dark Tale - SRegan
New Age - a Tale - SRegan
Unfinished Business - TroyL
SCP-765 - "Duck Pond" - TroyL
SCP-1802 - "Skip" - Silberescher
尾聲 (0:56:55 - 1:00:04)
仙人掌的競賽精選: Mission Statement - Dr Reach
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:02:31):
Dystopia Contest
訪談:Reject (0:02:31 - 1:02:33):
Contest for 1000!
SCP-1000 - 大腳怪 - thedeadlymoose
SCP-504 - "Critical Tomatoes" - BlastYoBoots
SCP-999 - 癢癢怪 - ProfSnider
SCP-586 - "Inscribable Object" - Rolaran
SCP-017 - 影人 - Unknown Author
SCP-072 - 床腳 - Kate McTirris
SCP-184 - "The Architect" - Dr Gears
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-616 - "The Vessel and the Gate" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by tunedtoadeadchannel/Radioactive Zombie/Pair Of Ducks
SCP-001 - 神國的守門者 - DrClef
SCP-1451 - "Sunken Children's Perimeter" - Reject (Now Rejekyll)
SCP-2000 - 機械降神 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-148 - 「阻念」合金 - Lt Masipag (Rewritten by Scantron (Now Communism will win))
Incident 239-B - Clef-Kondraki - DrClef/Dr Kondraki
Reach's Blueprint Folder - Dr Reach
SCP-2722 - "SCPS Solidarity" - Von Pincier [article since deleted]
Clef博士研討會手記,「現實扭曲者與你:當不存在的事物存在時該如何生存。」 - DrClef
SCP-10101 - "Not A Self-Insert At All" - judgedeadd
SCP-076 - 「亞伯」 - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-1231 - "The Theoretical Family" - Reject (Now Rejekyll)
SCP-231 - "Special Personnel Requirements" - DrClef
SCP-1733 - "Season Opener" - bbaztek
SCP-087 - 樓梯間 - Zaeyde
SCP-455 - 貨船 - Dr Gears
Exploration Log Record 455 3 - Dr Gears
Essays On Style
The Under-Appreciated SCPs Contest
The Great Short Story Contest Archives
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
And it Starts with a Song - Nioki
Dandelions - DrClef
Revenants - Photosynthetic
New Years Contest!
Groups of Interest Contest!
Mission Statement - Dr Reach
I, Autarch - Kalinin
Let Me Guess, Applesauce? - Waterfire
Episiotometrics - Eskobar
Time Contest!
Serpent's Hand Hub
Global Occult Coalition Casefiles
Dixieland Nightmare Magic Hub - Kate McTiriss
SCP-529 - 半貓Josie - Unknown Author
SCP-2170 - "The Clown Vaccine" - Sorts
Starch and Cream - djkaktus
I, Autarch - djkaktus/Faminepulse
尾聲 (1:02:33 - 1:06:02)
仙人掌廣播第十二集:Salman Corbette/Roget/Roth
聖誕廣播!djkaktus歡迎著名的有趣人物Salman Corbette、本節目的好朋友Roget以及忠誠於伊麗莎白女王,崇高的Blaroth來到仙人掌廣播的節目上!在這個加長版的節目中,我們討論了J文章、進行不少對話,Salman還播了一首鬼歌。聖誕快樂,各位SCP成員!
本週的仙人掌精選: I Can't - Nacht Ruine
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:01:35)
訪談:Canadian Christmas Extravaganza (0:01:35 - 1:40:22):
Salman Corbette - Research Assistant Corbette's Personnel File - (Full List of Articles)
Roget - Dr. Roget's Personnel File - (Full List of Articles)
Blaroth - Dr. Roth's Personnel File - (Full List of Articles)
SCP-1545 - "Larry the Loving Llama" - Salman Corbette
SCP-682-J - "SUPER BESTEST LIZERD EVER" - Faminepulse/Salman Corbette
SCP-789-J - "the butt ghost!!" - Faminepulse/Salman Corbette
Too Many Cooks - Adult Swim - [NSFW]
SCP-649 - "Matchbox Full of Winter" - AsmodeusDark (Rewritten by Roget)
SCP-784 - "Christmas Cheer" - Snowshoe
SCP-2412-J - "The Laplander" - judgedeadd
SCP-031-J - "Evening of Terrors" - Salman Corbette
SCP-329-J - "The Ghoooost Siiiign" - Salman Corbette
SCP-2600-J - "Bicycle Mafia" - Roget
SCP-173-J - "The Original "The Sculpture"" - Silberescher
SCP-715 - "My Face That I May Be" - agatharights (Rewritten by djkaktus)
SCP-1160 - "Effective Containment" - djkaktus
SCP-2598 - "Traveling Moth Salesman" - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
收藏家先生的故事大全 (Hub by Dexanote/Salman Corbette/thedeadlymoose/TroyL)
Learning the Alphabet Hub - TwistedGears
Miss Heir - TwistedGears
SCP-1799 - 歡笑先生 - Roget
SCP-917 - 月亮先生 - Dexanote
SCP-905 - 變色龍先生 - Dexanote/Salman Corbette
SCP-909 - 善忘先生 - Dexanote/Salman Corbette
SCP-913 - 飢餓先生 - Dexanote/Salman Corbette
尾聲 (1:40:22 - 1:44:16)
仙人掌廣播在二零一五年帶著優秀又美好的Light回來了!djkaktus坐下來與這位創作者談論網站成員、作者的虛擬身份、Competitive Eschatology中心頁5以及The Flytrap6的過往!
本週的仙人掌精選: SCP-2501 - "The Claw" - LurkD
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:04:57)
訪談:Sophia Light (0:04:57 - 0:56:32):
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-087 - "樓梯間 - Zaeyde
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
Dr. Sophia Light's Personnel File - Sophia Light
Competitive Eschatology Canon
New Years Contest!
Unfounded - Hub
Unfinished Business - TroyL
SCP-1102 - "The Blue Ridge Phenomenon" - Sophia Light
Contest for 1000!
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
SCP-2000 - 機械降神 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-2998 - 異常傳播訊號,2485MHz - Eskobar
SCP-2682 - ”The Blind Idiot” - Faminepulse
SCP-1000 - ”大腳怪 - thedeadlymoose
SCP-1337 - "The Hitchhiker" - DrBright (Now AdminBright)
異常物品紀錄 - Sophia Light
SCP-426 - 我是一臺烤吐司機 - Flag
Experiment Log 914 - Dr Gears
實驗日誌261 Ad De - Dr Gears
The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation - DrBright (Now AdminBright)
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
尾聲 (0:56:32 - 0:59:41)
抓好你的腎臟,因為Dr. Mann登上了仙人掌廣播的節目!這位瘋狂的博士與受害者djkaktus一同討論SCP網站的行政工作以及這個人的妄語和創作,這讓被解剖的djkaktus非常享受。
本週的仙人掌精選: 我們需要談談五十五的事情 - qntm
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:02:54)
訪談:DrEverettMann (0:02:54 - 1:00:53):
TV Tropes' SCP Foundation Page
SCP-423 - "Self-Inserting Character" - DrEverettMann
Experiment Log 423 A - DrEverettMann
SCP-914 - 發條裝置 - Dr Gears
Experiment Log 914 - Dr Gears
The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation - DrBright (Now AdminBright)
SCP Object Classes-ARC
SCP-1983 - 至無處之門 - DrEverettMann
SCP-610 - 憎恨之血肉 - NekoChris
SCP-184 - "The Architect" - Dr Gears
SCP-835 - "Expunged Data Released" - DrClef/Dr Gears
SCP-455 - 貨船 - Dr Gears
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
SCP-2099 - "Brain in a Jar" - DrEverettMann
SCP-1171 - "Humans Go Home" - DrEverettMann
SCP-682 - 不滅孽蜥 - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-679 - "Eyerot" - DrEverettMann
SCP-001 - "The Spiral Path" - DrEverettMann
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
The Stars Do Not Wait For You - Dmatix
Document 001-O5 - DrEverettMann
SCP-001 - "The Prototype" - Dr Gears
SCP-001 - "The Lock" - qntm
SCP-001:O5 - DrBright (Now AdminBright)
SCP-001 - "The Foundation" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-001 - Keter任務 - Roget
尾聲 (1:00:53 - 1:03:42)
本週的仙人掌精選: Stealing Solidarity - Djoric
REIMAGINING競賽已經開始了!點擊 這個連結以獲取更多資訊!
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:02:16)
訪談:DrClef (0:02:16 - 1:12:23):
Clef博士的人事檔案 - DrClef
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-682 - 不滅孽蜥 - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-953 - "Polymorphic Humanoid" - DrClef
SCP-233 - "23-Sided Polyhedron" - DrClef
SCP-668 - "13" Chef's Knife" - DrClef
SCP-447 - 綠黏球 - DrClef
Cool之戰 - Randomini
權限不足 - Randomini
SCP-231 - "Special Personnel Requirements" - DrClef
事故 239-B - Clef-Kondraki - DrClef/Dr Kondraki
Clef And Dimitri Hit The Road - DrClef/Waxx
The Lombardi Tales - DrEverettMann (Hub by TroyL)
Mann with the Plann, or the Dog Gone Days of Summer - TroyL
Game Day
Unfounded - Hub
New Years Contest!
Groups of Interest Contest!
Da Capo Al Fine - DrClef
Rascal One Actual - DrClef
Special Assets - DrClef
SCP-087 - 樓梯間 - Zaeyde
Six Little Mice - Pig_catapult
SCP-914 - 發條裝置 - Dr Gears
Finding The Machine - Fantem
SCP-1322 - "Glory Hole" - spikebrennan
All Things Considered - Photosynthetic
Competitive Eschatology Hub
Global Occult Coalition Casefiles
SCP-2317 - 前往彼界之門 - DrClef
SCP-2845 - 鹿神 - Djoric
SCP-001 - 神國的守門者 - DrClef
SCP-098 - 解剖蟹 - DrEverettMann
SCP-995 - "Under The Couch" - Tadeusz
The Gate Opens - thedeadlymoose
The White Horse (The Conqueror With The Golden Crown) - thedeadlymoose
歡迎來到夜谷 - Commonplace Books
尾聲 (1:12:23 - 1:16:12)
開場 (0:00 - 1:53)
第一部分(1:54 - 83:01):
SCP-005 - 解構鑰匙 - Unknown Author
SCP-784-ARC - "Posthuman Brain" - DrClef
SCP-884 - "A Shaving Mirror" - TroyL
Saving Sigurrós Potter - TroyL
The Great Short Story Contest Archives
SCP-1337 - "The Hitchhiker" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-902 - 最後倒數 - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
Dr. Burns Personnel File
SCP-1055 - "Bugsy" - Sorts
SCP-1370 - "Pesterbot" - Sorts
SCP-804 - "World Without Man" - Sorts
第二部分(83:29 - 156:48):
SCP-426 - 我是一臺烤吐司機 - Flah
That Goddamn Thing - Sorts
SCP-579 - [數據刪除] - scroton (Rewritten by Sophia Light)
In His Own Image - TroyL
The Man From Maple Street - TroyL
SCP-423 - "Self-Inserting Character" - DrEverettMann
SCP-611 - "Parasitic Toothpick" - TroyL
第三部分(157:14 - 208:53):
Et Tam Deum Petivi Hub Page
Anart Antics - TwistedGears
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
Unfounded - Hub
All Things Considered - Photosynthetic
Competitive Eschatology Hub
Tenebrae - TroyL
Contain Yourself - TroyL
Unfinished Business - TroyL
Unfinished Business: Part II - TroyL
. . . the best and the wisest man whom I have ever known. - DrClef
SCP-978 - "Desire Camera" - yellowdrakex
Unfinished Business III - TroyL
Halloween Contest!
New Years Contest!
Groups of Interest Contest!
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
Reimagining Contest
SCP-884: Original Collection - TroyL
SCP-642 - "Hot Springs" - Camwyn
SCP-765 - "Duck Pond" - TroyL
Bright's 2011 Challenge Thread
本週的仙人掌精選: Chasing Interest - Dmatix
第一部分(0:00 - 51:22):
Waffling About - Blaroth
Wocky's Art Blog! (NSFW Warning)
SCP-2190 - "Phone calls from Mom" - PeppersGhost
Containment Breach The Musical - PeppersGhost
SCP-2030 - "LA U GH IS F UN" - PeppersGhost
第二部分(51:29 - 88:50):
SCP-239 - 巫術女孩 - Danteson
事故 239-B - Clef-Kondraki - DrClef
SCP-105 - "「Iris」 - Danteson
SCP-076 - 「亞伯」 - Kain Pathos Crow
Duke 'till Dawn - Dr Kondraki
Every Damn Time - ProcyonLotor
SCP-1234-J - "An SCP" - Salman Corbette
SCP-1994-J - "THE BAAAAAAAAAAALLLLL" - ObserverSeptember
SCP-1730 - "What Happened to Site-13?" - djkaktus
SCP-455 - 貨船 - Dr Gears
SCP-184 - "The Architect" - Dr Gears
SCP-2875 - "The Town That Got Fucked by Bears" - djkaktus
SCPPD Episode 1 - djkaktus [article since deleted]
SCP-2686 - "Moon Wizard" - Wogglebug
第三部分:無關的東西(89:00 - 157:40):
SCP-1848 - "[ACCESS DENIED]" - TroyL
In His Own Image - TroyL
SCP-1059 - "Infectious Censorship" - DrEverettMann
SCP-953 - "Polymorphic Humanoid" - DrClef
Clean Sweep - DrClef
sex at frigid temperature - SoullessSingularity
Routine Psychological Evaluations By Dr Glass - Pair Of Ducks
Resurrection - thedeadlymoose
第三部分:與SCP基金會相似的東西(157:41 - 169:44):
SCP-087 - 樓梯間 - Zaeyde
Bees - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
Metafiction - Voct
Acidverse - Randomini
第三部分:Sorts(169:45 - 187:40):
Dr. Sorts Personnel File
That Goddamn Thing - Sorts
SCP-426 - 我是一臺烤吐司機 - Flah
SCP-1470 - "Telepathic Spider" - Sorts
SCP-804 - "World Without Man" - Sorts
SCP-745 - "The Headlights" - Sorts
SCP-1370 - "Pesterbot" - Sorts
SCP-1670 - "Interdimensional House of Pancakes" - Sorts
SCP-2170 - "The Clown Vaccine" - Sorts
In Which Dr. Clef Does Not Die, Nor Participate in the Furtherance of any Memes, Nor Even Appear In the Story At All - Sorts
All They Want is the Blood - Sorts
SCP-450 - 被棄置的聯邦監獄 - DrClef
SCP-205 - "Shadow Lamps" - Sorts
Collected Data - Sorts
Reimagining Contest
第三部分:Bright(187:41 - 215:59):
Ecce Perago - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
Annon - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-693 - "Knotty Stalker" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-963 - 不朽 - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-721 - "Factory Toys" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-590 - 與汝同苦 - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
The Self Insert - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
SCP-321 - 人之子 - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
Mary Sue Who - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-1777 - "Kings Cave" - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
Unfinished Business - TroyL
Unfinished Business: Part II - TroyL
"I Quit." - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-978 - "Desire Camera" - yellowdrakex
SCP-978 Extended Test Logs - yellowdrakex
An Evening With Bright - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
第三部分:被低估的作者及尾聲(216:00 - 281:47):
SCP-431 - "Dr. Gideon" - DStecks
SCP-659 - "Communal Avian Intelligence" - DStecks
SCP-503 - "The Luckiest Man in the World" - DStecks
SCP-785 - "A Chain Restaurant" - Chubert
SCP-2777 - "He Who Would Be King" - Chubert
SCP-2078 - 第三政黨 - Chubert
SCP-891 - "California Field" - Chubert
A Man At The Top of his Profession - name
The Bacterium (Part One) - name
SCP-342 - 車票之旅 - name
SCP-144 - "Tibetan Rope to Heaven" - Fritzwillie
SCP-165 - "The Creeping, Hungry Sands of Tule" - Fritzwillie
SCP-529 - 半貓Josie - Ported over by Lt Masipag
SCP-2460 - "Dark Satellite" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-106 - "The Old Man" - Dr Gears
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-610 - 憎恨之血肉 - NekoChris
CryogenChaos' Comment Tales - CryogenChaos
SCP-1538 - "Instructions to a Twin-Screw Extruder" - Kalinin
SCP-1659 - "Directorate K" - Kalinin
SCP-701 - 受絞之王的悲劇 - tinwatchman
SCP-993 - "Bobble the Clown" - Tanhony
Incident 0401-42-III - 'Chornobylska Katastrofa' - ComradeChernov
SCP-1467 - "The Man that Wasn't" - fooloftime
I Forget Myself in This Wondrous Night - Decibelles
SCP-2310 - "The House That Makes You Sarah Palmer" - lukebn
Acquisition Log SCP-███-█ - Adam Smascher
SCP-939 - 引渡他聲 - Adam Smascher/EchoFourDelta
SCP-1707 - "New Skin" - Mr Carbon
SCP-1496 - "The Most Profound Statement in History A Place Setting" - Mr Carbon
SCP-1261 - "Memetic Emu" - Lumancer
SCP-022 - "The Morgue" - DrSevere
SCP-567 - "The Dungeon" - DrSevere
SCP-433 - "A Ritual" - DrSevere
SCP-354 - "The Red Pool" - Dave Rapp
SCP-990 - 夢行兆示者 - Dave Rapp
SCP-335 - "One Hundred and Fifty 3.5" Floppy Disks" - Dave Rapp
SCP-1949 - "Jonathan Harris" - DrClef
SPC-1764 - "DARD Information Restrictions Apply" - DrClef
SCP-579 - [數據刪除] - scroton
SCP-1398 - "Hateful Dead" - scroton
SCP-____-J - 拖延症 - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-1422 - "The Yellowstone Anomaly" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-1448 - "Legend Tripping" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-1111 - "The White Dog" - DrSevere
SCP-001 - "The Prototype" - Dr Gears
SCP-001 - "Sheaf of Papers" - Lt Masipag
Project Thaumiel - TroyL
Pila - TroyL
SCP-1846 - "Maize Angel" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-1306 - "Potion of Summon Bird" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
AIAD Homescreen - LurkD
SCP-1471 - "MalO ver1.0.0" - LurkD
SCP-447 - 綠黏球 - DrClef
本週的仙人掌精選: This Is Not Me Talking - Dmatix
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:02:53)
訪談:ChopKast (0:02:53 - 1:35:08)
ProcyonLotor (Full List of Articles)
Decibelles - Decibelle, the Terrifying Cat Pattern Screamer - (Full List of Articles)
EldritchCadence (Previously EldritchCyanide) - Ell Crailey's Personnel File (Full List of Articles)
SCP-2602, which used to be a library - "Exbibliothetic" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
Markiplier's Youtube Channel
SCP-2875 - "The Town That Got Fucked by Bears" - djkaktus
尾聲 (1:35:08 - 1:37:53)
本週的仙人掌精選: SCP-2602, which used to be a library - "Exbibliothetic" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:01:48)
訪談:Dmatix (0:01:48 - 1:11:59):
SCP-1655 - "Sorrow Tick" - Dmatix
SCP-1295 - "Meg's Diner" - Dmatix
SCP-682 - 不滅孽蜥 - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-1348 - "Inner Sanctum" - ophite
Ophite's Personnel File - ophite
SCP-1321 - "Cathar Journal" - Dmatix
Fire on the Horizon - Dmatix
SCP-001 - "Thirty-Six" - Djoric/Dmatix
Shepherds - Djoric
SCP-2845 - 鹿神 - Djoric
Quiet Days - Dmatix
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
The Things Dr Bright Is Not Allowed To Do At The Foundation - TheDuckman (Now AdminBright)
SCP-1440 - "The Old Man from Nowhere" - Dmatix
SCP-032 - 兄弟們的新娘 - Dmatix
SCP-2500 - "A Higher Purpose" - Dmatix
SCP-2000 - 機械降神 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Thrice - Dmatix
Empty Nights - Dmatix
Five Questions
A Slumber Did My Spirit Seal - Dmatix
SCP-447 - 綠黏球 - DrClef
SCP-2718 - "What Happens After" - Michael Atreus
Fields Of Green - Drewbear
Bugs - giant enemy spycrab
Children Of Doubt - Roget
Playing God - Rikks
Iteration 0 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
Attack of the Keter Skeeters! - Ihp
SCP-1732 - "Septimius Leo" - Smapti
The Stars Do Not Wait For You - Dmatix
SCP-1915 - "Status Quo" - Dmatix
SCP-231 - "Special Personnel Requirements" - DrClef
SCP-1935 - "An Empty Chamber" - Dmatix
SCP-2710 - "A Certain Breach" - Dmatix
SCP-361 - "Bronze Liver" - Dmatix
SCP-1510 - "The Tarnished Legionnaire" - Dmatix
This Is Not Me Talking - Dmatix
Resurrection - thedeadlymoose
Nothing and Five and Five - Dmatix
Walk the Floor - Djoric
Et Tam Deum Petivi Hub Page
尾聲 (1:11:59 - 1:13:46)
本週的仙人掌精選: Death and the Doctors Hub - Dmatix
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:02:23):
Short Works Contest
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
SCP-2915 - 急凍鮮肉 - Djoric
SCP-2771 - "Border Duty" - Petrograd
訪談:qntm (0:02:23 - 1:13:57):
SCP-055 - [未知] - qntm
SCP-579 - [數據刪除] - scroton
AIAD Homescreen - LurkD
SCP-001 - "The Lock" - qntm
我們需要談談五十五的事情 - qntm
逆模因學入門 - qntm
SCP-2256 - "Very Tall Things" - qntm
難以忘懷,那便是你 - qntm
Resurrection - thedeadlymoose
SCP-1730 - "What Happened to Site-13?" - djkaktus
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-173 - 塑像 -最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-____-J - 拖延症 - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-087 - 樓梯間 - Zaeyde
qntm's author page - qntm
SCP-001 - "Thirty-Six" - Djoric/Dmatix
SCP-001 - Keter任務 - Roget
SCP-001 - "The Children" - djkaktus
SCP-001 - "A Record" - Kate McTiriss
SCP-001 - "The Foundation" - Scantron (Now Communism will win)
SCP-455 - 貨船 - Dr Gears
Adventures in Capitalism Hub - Djoric
尾聲 (1:13:57 - 1:16:02)
仙人掌廣播第二十二集:Dr Gears
漫長的等待結束了。在長達幾個月的訊號消失和仙人掌廣播的衰退後,djkaktus再一次地回歸了。只是這次帶上了基金會的創始者本人,Dr Gears!在他有史以來首次的訪談中,Gears與djkaktus討論了Gears那令人印象深刻的經歷、基金會的起源、恐懼感的真正意義,以及Site19的那段時光。
近幾個月的仙人掌精選: Nazi Nonsense - Kalinin / "Baby's First Guide to Keter-Class Anomalies" and Other Questionable Documents Recovered from the Hard Drive of Dr. ████ ███████ - Cyantreuse / Basic Observations - SunnyClockwork
仙人掌廣播的主題曲是「Happy Up Here」,作者為Royksopp, ©2009
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:02:42):
Mobile Task Force Contest!
訪談:[Dr Gears] (0:02:42 - 1:54:00):
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-529 - 半貓Josie - Unknown Author
The Holders Series
Kain Pathos Crow's Author Page - Kain Pathos Crow
SCP-106 - "The Old Man" - Dr Gears
SCP-882 - 一台機器 - Dr Gears
SCP-682 - 不滅孽蜥 - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
SCP-087 - 樓梯間 - Zaeyde
SCP-914 - 發條裝置 - Dr Gears
Experiment Log 914 - Dr Gears
SCP-261 - 泛次元自動售賣機 - Dr Gears
SCP-294 - 咖啡機 - far2
Experiment Log T-98816-OC108/682 - Dr Gears
SCP-458 - 無限披薩盒 Palhinuk
Church of the Broken God Hub
Dr. Wondertainment Hub
SCP-445 - "Dr. Wondertainment's Super Paper" - CryogenChaos
Global Occult Coalition Casefiles
Marshall, Carter and Dark Hub
SCP-001 - "The Broken God" - TwistedGears/djkaktus
SCP-455 - 貨船 - Dr Gears
SCP-1730 - "What Happened to Site-13?" - djkaktus
SCP-184 - "The Architect" - Dr Gears
Experiment Log 455 - NekoChris
Exploration Log Record 455 3 - Dr Gears
SCP-2933 - "Mr. Scary" - djkaktus
Cold - Dr Gears
如何營造恐怖的氣氛 - DrClef
SCP-231 - "Special Personnel Requirements" - DrClef
SCP-835 - "Expunged Data Released" - DrClef/Dr Gears
黑白黑白黑白黑白黑白灰 - tunedtoadeadchannel
倫理委員會職前訓練 - Voct
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
The Great Short Story Contest Archives
SCP-2000 - 機械降神 - FortuneFavorsBold (Now HammerMaiden)
SCP-447 - 綠黏球 - DrClef
SCP-053 - 小女孩 - Dr Gears
SCP-734 - "The Baby" - Dr Gears
Gears Day Collection
SCP-001 - "The Prototype" - Dr Gears
SCP-682-J - "SUPER BESTEST LIZERD EVER" - Faminepulse/Salman Corbette
尾聲 (1:54:00 - 1:57:51)
- SCP-3999 - 我為一切及我之事所包圍 - LordStonefish (榮譽獲獎)
- 逆模因部中心頁 - qntm
- SCP-3125 - 亡命之人 - qntm
- SCP-3005 - "A Light That Died" - Silberescher
- SCP-001 - "When Day Breaks" - shaggydredlocks
- SCP-3001 - "Red Reality" - OZ Ouroboros
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:13:26):
Dr. Cimmerian's Personnel File - Doctor Cimmerian
SCP-001-J - """The Broke God"" - djkaktus/Doctor Cimmerian
The Foundation
Critical Procedures
Critical Role
The Adventure Zone
訪談:Decibelles (0:13:26 - 0:49:00):
SCP-096 - 羞澀的人 - Dr Dan
SCP-682 - 不滅孽蜥 - Dr Gears/Epic Phail Spy
Rat's Nest Hub
S & C Plastics Hub
UIU Location Dossier — "Three Portlands" - GreenWolf
SCP-106 - "The Old Man" - Dr Gears
Track 4: You and Me - djkaktus
Anderson Robotics Hub
MTF Tau-5 ("Samsara")
SCP-1730 - "What Happened to Site-13?" - djkaktus
Learning The Alphabet Hub - TwistedGears
Kain Pathos Crow's Author Page - Kain Pathos Crow
Acquisitions - a Marshall, Carter & Dark Tale - SRegan
The Flytrap - Sophia Light
尾聲 (0:49:00 - 1:11:30)
本週的仙人掌精選: SCP-3513 - "The brain that ate itself" - psul
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:07:24):
No Safe Haven - Fantem
Hartliss Detective Agency - The Great Hippo
所以你的SCP爛透了:圖像創作 (0:07:24 - 0:32:54):
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-106 - "The Old Man" - Dr Gears
SCP-2006 - "Too Spooky" - weizhong
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
SCP-1471 - "MalO ver1.0.0" - LurkD
SCP-2030 - "LA U GH IS F UN" - PeppersGhost
SCP-001 - Kalinin
SCP-1440 - "The Old Man from Nowhere" - Dmatix
SCP-2576 - "Joseph and the Technicolor Dream Goat" - djkaktus
訪談:2017藝術節目 (0:32:54 - 1:22:41):
Perelka_L - Art Page (Full List of Articles)
SunnyClockwork - Author Page (Full List of Articles)
Zhange - Art Page (Full List of Articles)
SCP-999-J - "Creepy Speedo Man" - NamedAfterColor, Salman Corbette, Wilt
Cool之戰 - Randomini
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
SCP-106 - "The Old Man" - Dr Gears
SCP-860 - "Blue Key" - Enma Ai
SCP Foundation Logo - SunnyClockwork
Secure. Contain. Protect. - Zhange
尾聲 (1:22:41 - 1:25:54)
夥伴們都回到城裡了。djkaktus與Joreth和A Random Day聊了聊3000競賽、Anantashesha8以及djkaktus屁眼的結構完整性。這集充滿笑聲。
本週的仙人掌精選: SCP-3049 - "To Make an Apple Pie from Scratch" - rioludoodle
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:06:35):
Social Media Art Contest
The Long Goodbye - The Great Hippo
Glittering Horizon Hub (The Undoing) - LordStonefish
He Shall Indeed - Gaffney [article since deleted]
訪談:3000競賽 (0:06:35 - 1:29:52):
A Random Day - Dr. Desai's Personnel File (Full List of Articles)
Joreth - (Full List of Articles)
Site News Hub
SCP-3000 Contest
SCP-1051 - "Nevadan Extraterrestrial" - Salman Corbette
SCP-163 - "An Old Castaway" - Flah
SCP-3000 - "Anantashesha" - A Random Day, djkaktus, Joreth
The Adventure Zone
Document Recovered From The Marianas Trench - Dr Gears
SCP-3001 - "Red Reality" - OZ Ouroboros
SCP-3519 - "These Quiet Days" - sirpudding
SCP-3060 - "Sleep Paralysis" - Jacob Conwell
SCP-3000 Entry - "Chessland" - themadstork
SCP-307 - "Carnivorous Ivy" - apocalemur
SCP-884 - "A Shaving Mirror" - TroyL
SCP-804 - "World Without Man" - Sorts
SCP-2170 - "The Clown Vaccine" - Sorts
Dr. Roth's Personnel File - Blaroth
SCP-343 - 「上帝」 - Unknown Author
It Might Have Been - Djoric
Game Day - DrClef
RUN AWAY FOREVURRR - agatharights
SCP-3960 - "Best Friends Forever" - Jacob Conwell
SCP-3020 - "Depression" - Ihp
SCP-3966 - "Falling Out" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3512 - "The More You Know" - psul
SCP-2000 "Science Fiction" Contest Hub
尾聲 (1:29:52 - 1:34:39)
[玩家]Chuber已加入戰局。唸了一段Poopstick McGee9。djkaktus著迷於Obsolete Laptop10。Chubert談論分析學。
本週的仙人掌精選: Where Have You Been All My Life - qntm
開場及新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:06:23):
Social Media Art Contest
Crossing the Frame - Aiden Eldritch (Now Taffeta)
Critical Procedures
Restoring Harmony - DrMagnus
Where Have You Been All My Life - qntm
Roc Series Deicide Drone, Prototype Model - Dr0Shadow
Intro - Note: Charles Ogden Gears - Decibelles
誇張說書: (0:06:23 - 0:10:30)
Poopstick McGee and the Flying Walruses - TroyL
訪談:Chubert (0:10:30 - 1:22:47):
SCP-914 - 發條裝置 - Dr Gears
Duke 'till Dawn - Dr Kondraki
SCP-3000 Contest
SCP-891 - "California Field" - Chubert
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
SCP-2317 - 前往彼界之門 - DrClef
SCP-1739 - "Obsolete Laptop" - Chubert
SCP-455 - 貨船 - Dr Gears
黑白黑白黑白黑白黑白灰 - tunedtoadeadchannel
倫理委員會職前訓練 - Voct
SCP-1782 - "Tabula Rasa" - Faminepulse
SCP-2078 - 第三政黨 - Chubert
Dr. Sorts Personnel File - Sorts
尾聲 (1:22:47 - 1:26:32)
仙人掌廣播第二十七集: WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3393 - "For Your Eyes Only" - Captain Kirby
SCP-001 - "Dead Men" - Tanhony
開場與新聞 (0:00:00 - 0:07:51):
SCP-001 - "Normalcy" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3393 - "For Your Eyes Only" - Captain Kirby
SCP-001 - "Dead Men" - Tanhony
72 Hour Jam Contest
SCP Foundation March Madness Hub - djkaktus
誇張說書: (0:07:51 - 0:13:27)
SCP-001 (Unlocked) - WrongJohnSilver
訪問:WrongJohnSilver (0:13:27 - 1:08:08):
SCP-087 - 樓梯間 - Zaeyde
SCP-173 - 塑像 - 最初的作品 - Moto42
SCP-093 - 紅海物件 - Unknown Author (Rewritten by NekoChris)
SCP-128 - "Kinetic Energy Entity" - HK-016 (Rewritten by WrongJohnSilver)
It's Just A Dream - WrongJohnSilver
Reimagining Contest
SCP-209 - "The Sadist's Tumbler" - Unknown Author (Rewritten by Mulciber)
黑白黑白黑白黑白黑白灰 - tunedtoadeadchannel
Mobile Task Force Contest!
SCP-3000 Contest
Short Works Contest
Groups of Interest Contest!
Great Hippo's Great Skippos - The Great Hippo
CapnThatguy's Personnel File - CapnThatguy
SCP-2315 - "Mother Always Knows" - WrongJohnSilver
Funerals Are Fun - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-2289 - "The Devils' Eyes" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-2460 - "Dark Satellite" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-3966 - "Falling Out" - WrongJohnSilver
SCP-001 - "When Day Breaks" - Shaggydredlocks
SCP-1875 - "Antique Chess Computer" - TheMadStork
SCP-3101 - "Contain Me Harder" - Cyantreuse
SCP-8900-EX - 藍天殞落 - tunedtoadeadchannel
SCP-847 - "The Mannequin" - Xian (Rewritten by WrongJohnSilver)
SCP-3008 - 一間毫無異狀的典型IKEA - Mortos
SCP-2521 - "●●|●●●●●|●●|●" - LurkD
On Mount Golgotha - Hub
SCP-2203 - "Find the One for You!" - WrongJohnSilver
尾聲 (1:08:08 - 1:12:55)
監督者的備註: 我們會持續地把這份檔案刪除,原因有二。一:這東西太可笑了、二:我們不知道怎麼收容這東西,而且它可能還含有訊息危害什麼的。
發表於SCP繁體中文維基的《仙人掌廣播中心頁》由djkaktus著作,由ting129翻譯,來源網址為:http://scp-zh-tr.wikidot.com/kaktuskast-hub。授權方式為 CC-BY-SA。
其原文發表於SCP Wiki。原文來源: http://scpwiki.com/kaktuskast-hub 。授權方式為 CC-BY-SA。
欲瞭解更多資訊,請詳見 授權指南。
圖像授權協議:CC BY-SA 3.0
圖源連結: http://scp-wiki.wikidot.com/kaktuskast-hub
欲瞭解到更多處於維基上的資訊,請見 Licensing Master List。